Sunday, April 23, 2006

meeting "The Waltons"

Tonight I met "The Waltons". I don't mean the stars of the old show from the 70's- I mean the real-life thing. I was invited to this picnic out in a place in the forest, a long drive away. When I finally got there, I was greeted by "Joe". He was an old timer who wore his working overalls, had a white beard and tight, taut muscles belonging to an old navy guy (which he had been).

He came down the front porch steps and greeted me with a firm hug rather than a handshake. Behind him a tableful of people sat under a large veranda. They scavanged on turkey, gravy, beans, red and white wines. They had never met me and asked not one question, except to say:"Do you want some turkey?" and " What kind of wine would you like?" All these generous offers. Some reached out across my plate to grab a bowl of some kind, with an "''scuse me". No pretense about my presence. I think I was kind of in heaven. After bloating up on the food, yes- everyone complained about their bellies...

Then I was given a tour of the house "ornaments". The rustic little house was chock full of Dalmatians trinkets-in every room, and hundreds of them! (crazily cute!)

My favourite part was when I went for a ride on this great tire swing that was braced by this big old tree next to the house. I was 'pushed' so high that I flew over a garage roof! Marshmallows, wet dogs, outdoor fire...the whole thing seemed right out of a movie. I burned a marshmallow, sat by the brook, talked with Joe, petted wet dogs, smelled fresh cedar leaves, swung on a star.

Man, did I feel lucky.

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