Thursday, December 27, 2007

Charlie's life

The title links to a lovely site for animal lovers...the life of Charlie the Coyote! (I am choosing to ignore any coincidences with respect to my dear deceased kitty below and coyotes...) Nevertheless, enjoy these bee--yuu-ti-ful pictures!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Note to Si

Baby, I hope hope you are doing well. I miss you around here. Your little sis has been more vigilant than normal and she seems lonely too. She is even letting me pet her. I think of how you appropriated my bed during the days and kept vigil over me as I worked endlessly. We watched teli together, me rubbing your soft white fur, your tummy exposed, in a twisted pirouette you shamelessly welcomed my caresses.

You too, touched me in ways you may never know. You were my little nursemaid, my friend, nurturer, torturer, adventurer, rogue, a playful loving spirit. Your rough pink kisses secured me through the tough times or told me that you appreciated my comfort and my tenderness. It was a mutual admiration we held. You were a puss-ionate one!

Today it is raining. I think of how you would be sleeping on my 'cat blanket' and I look to smile upon you...but see you no longer there. I think of how I would like to hold you once more in my arms. My sweetness, my soft little baby. I would like to think I will see you somewhere else and maybe some form. Perhaps you will come to adorn our Christmas as a little angel. You always looked like one, even if you were a tad naughty. But you were always love incarnate.

I miss you my little man. It was the longest moment when I looked into your eyes as death came seeping in. I sent you white light and love so you would not be afraid. Most of all, I wanted you to not be afraid. So I held myself in 'love' so as to be there for you until the very end. You are one of my dearest most cherished friends. For you, I will retain the memory of an endless, impossibly soft coat, white like eternity, a warm belly, an inquisitive bright mind, and a most sensitive, gentle being. I hope the ride was good for you. You loved so well, and so you were well loved.

Goodnight, little prince. May twighlight and moonbeams guide you along your path... May I see you in a beautiful sunlight garden, for I know that is where you would be.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Steven Wright jokes ('deadpan' delivery essential here)

"Winny would spend all of his time practicing limbo... He got pretty good... He could go under a rug..."

Today I met with a subliminal advertising executive for just a second.

Last night I fell asleep in a satellite dish. My dreams were broadcast all over the world.

I was born by Caesarean section, but you really can't tell...except that when I leave my house, I always go out the window...

Right now I'm having vu ja de--deja vu and amnesia at the same time.

Sometimes I...No, I don't.

There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


The Man with Two Heads-1973, Ray Milland (post Oscar-nominee era!)

Worth looking at, if nothing else for the train-wreck quality it has in spades. DO I even need to explain the plot here?? The title says it all! and who cares, anyway? it is flawless in its lack of coherent plot, very, very mediocre "special effects" and wonderful over-the-top acting...sigh. It's a beautiful thing. The chase scenes will make you laugh out friggin' loud. (Probably better-viewed while stoned but I wouldn't know).
For you anal types, here is a quip of the uh...
Plot Synopsis:
A rich but racist man is dying and hatches an elaborate scheme for transplanting his head onto another man's body. His health deteriorates rapidly, and doctors are forced to transplant his head onto the only available candidate: a black man from death row.

On a 'whole n'other level' is a movie that is rather under-rated and deserves some decent Cult status (which I have read it has):

Velvet Goldmine-1998, Ewan McGregor, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Christian Bale, Toni Colette

Reasons to watch: great soundtrack, GLAM frigggin' ROCK style and madness, heavy David Bowie-esque biographic nudging, Oscar Wilde references artfully disbursed throughout, Ewan McG. acts like a softer Iggy Pop, gets buck nekkid, and kisses another beautiful boy J. Rhys Meyers (here very purdy, androgynous and sexy),cool directing, editing, nice visuals, Eddie Izzard great as a sleazy manager!

Only "drawback": you'll watch it twice to 'get' the mystery, within a love story, within a rock-opera-esque drama...and you kinda don't mind. Hee!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cinematic 'surprises'

I had no idea I would grow to almost love this movie (in retrospect) and watch it twice in a row! Perhaps it was the intense and thrilling visual action sequences that riveted me without guns or car explosions, or the lush cinematography...perhaps it was the authenticity that captivated me...all these elements became fascinating. Equally fascinating was learning (somewhat) of the culture and ritual of the ancient Mayan civilization.

At one point during a particularly violent sequence, I was moved to tears as the scene unfolding seemed to be one 'out of my past'. Somehow I connected on a deeper level, one of blood kinship. It felt so real and though it was 'only a movie', it felt so close to home, and touched upon some primordeal memory from my spirit past perhaps in South America. This movie went to my gut, it felt so visceral and bloody and real, yet I didn't mind because it felt screamingly authentic. Conquest of a tribe IS violent and ugly!.

Personal politics: I get a little miffed at the holier than tho types who scorn Mel Gibson (the man) for having fucked up and spoken out of turn (foolishly, and I'm sure regretably) who now judge and negate his work as Mel the artist. I separate the man from the art. He made a fine piece of work with a lot of passion!

Oh please, let's not judge another as though he made a wrong that we could 'never' do. The man likely has a serious drinking problem. Quite honestly, THAT concerns me more than spewing foolish rhetoric. If we were all contested on what we have said, then none of us would be respected and we would all have received at least twenty lashings and a few sharp stones pelted at our bodies. I have certainly said some regretable things, but as a human being and also an artist, I would hope that civilians (note the root: civil) would judge my art based on the merit of the work, aside from my personal politics. THAT is fair and less hypocritical.

Another bloodbath(house) gem of a film! I'm not sure if I'm on some roll here with respect to catching very good, yet violent film or simply being more open-minded to the various forms of art. In any case, 300 was friggin gorgeous to look at, not to mention having incredible editing and camera techniques. Really groundbreaking stuff. I really liked that it was told like a myth or a fable with the surreal, larger than-life off-colored and sepia toned visuals. Wow. Very creative use of imagery and quite apropos. I was enthralled watching it.

At first, I saw much blood and thought, 'Oh, no, here we go, another he-man movie to inspire all the young boys to go out and fight, build muscle, be patriotic glory-men...blah, blah.' But I sat there anyway. Well, ultra machismo messages aside (and there are many), I really enjoyed the movie as a whole body of art. The imagery, the almost balletic fighting choreography, the music!, story and the supernatural elements woven in which made the story vacillate between the real and the ultra-real. Cool stuff! Another charmer that I did not see coming. After watching, it felt as though I had surprised myself by managing to consume a very rich-looking decadent, luscious strawberry tart...AND still wanting a little more.

A little older (2 yrs?) but very worthy of mention. Who would have thunk that an irreverent, almost satirical look at war and its idiosyncracies, confusion, chaos and the air of lunacy the elements lend themselves to - would come out to be such an entertaining product? I was impressed that the film did not stoop to make 'political commentary' or show itself to be pro or anti-war, but rather set up the pieces of a manic puzzle within a fantastical and semi-farcical storytelling. The surrealness of the elements around the story lets the viewer alone judge for him/herself what to make of this machine called war, and it is clear to see (to anyone who still has a pulse...) that some thing is definitely skewed. What I really admire is that the film mocks war and wartime ritualization WITHOUT looking or sounding like it is doing so (does that make sense?? I thought not).

Anyway, I loved the script (far removed from memory at this time...) but it had some choice lines and dark, ironic humor throughout it. Jarhead kind of reminded me of a Felliniesque farce: things are so intense, so hyper-real that the viewer empathizes with the main character's confusion and also feels that 'this cannot be real, for it is simply too absurd.' The blurring of lines between the absurdity of reality and the drama of the absurdity are what kept me glued to the seat. I managed to laugh the kind of laugh the mind likes. It is not a loud or obvious chortle, but more like the inner smile of havin' slipped one over the boss at the office, and you best office buddy is the only one in on the joke while all others remain oblivious. It's that delicious.

Great performances from Jake Gyll., Peter Sarsgaard (who was even better in "Shattered Glass") and others. Cool, brusque and absurdist in its perspective. Like one of the characters asks, "What the hell were we figting FOR again..?? I forgot!" 'Oooh, because they TOLD us to. That's IT??',he asks. Authority-schmority! Definitely one of my pics for one of the most original telling of war-time madness. Anyone thinking of enlisting should see this first, mull the muck over...then decide to talk to Uncle Sam (or even Harper these days...) later. Much, much fucking later.


"And Now for Something Completely Different..."
A soft, sweet love-story. Small, quiet and beautiful it contains one of my newly favourite romantic scenes in a very looong time. I won't give it away, but watching it completely melted me back to the gentle stirrings of budding romance, that tingly soft feeling in your belly you get as you begin to drift into someone's eyes, connecting on such a level that words seem trivial. Truly romantic and emotionally satisfying. Keanu looks very nice and acts understatedly without too much sentimantality as the romantic lead. Sigh. A treat for weary eyes and for wearier hearts. Nice soundtrack too.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


"A 22-year-old man from California has broken the world hot dog eating record by getting through 59 hot dogs in the allotted 12 minutes. Short video news story."

uh. I feel slightly repulsed when I think of how much food has been prepared, set out and mass-produced just so that us (North Americans- lovers of buffet style restaurants and other Roman indulgences...)can gorge on it, overfeed ourselves with unnatural amounts under the guise of social "recreation". Much of the food left on plates or in the long buffet metal trays is discarded. It becomes waste. It pains me to think that (here where I will attempt to NOT hit an old cliche over the head--but who knows!) while others in the world are barely affording and having access to sustenance, day-to-day stuff, we have enough wealth and greed to lick our greasy fingers,overstuff our gullet and throw out too many crumpled bleached white paper napkins (sorry, tree) into the waste-basket and not give it a second thought.

I don't want to be a hypocrite. I have eaten at buffets. Yet, since my first visit it became an increasingly repellent thing, when I realized how centered our lives (and our unhealthy guts) are upon large mass consumption. The ritual that we partook in for my granny on the odd Sunday became a burden to bear until I stopped meeting my family there altogether. In fact, the last time I went (sans granny), I felt a new sense of shame.

Having come off fresh from my Peace and Conflict and Political Science and even Anthropological classes...I had grown a new layer of conscientiousness in that I realized that everything I did (ate, consumed, purchased, and so on...) had political and social consequence.

Maybe it seems small peanuts to worry about how 'wrong' a buffet in some Seattle mall is, but it becomes harder to enjoy putting food in your (ok--my) mouth when those tragic amounts are multiple times more than what I really need or even want to enjoy. Do I think the owner gives a healthy crap about his customers. Hell,no. He wants you to pack on a big plate, so he can sharge you for your larger portion and super-size his wallet (and of course, the higher-ups who run the system). I'm not feeding myself, I'm feeding The Man's pockets and making myself ill in the meantime. We (consumers) seem so devoid of substance, of connection to one another, hell-even to ourselves- that we susbtitute feeling with over-sustenance. Feeling full as to not feel. (I feel flatulent...fatigued at this notion. We are all F'd.

We have everything, but we want more. We have goods, but we need to upgrade. To live life like 'everybody else' does, we need to 'keep up with the J's'...or do we?
How did we all get so brainwashed to rationalize feeling good about gorging (and hell, some even purging to watch their girlish figures, I'm sure!)? It's not the fabulous fifties anymore, we don't have security and don't get a gold-plated watch for our efforts. These are uncertain, unstable times. We do not have the liberties that our early capitalists embodied, the idea that we do have an indefinitie 'sea of fish' is a misconception. It is a lie sold to us in plain sight right there next to the cheese-topped broccoli.

Not that you should not enjoy yourself as long as there are people hungry. I don't believe in martyrdom, that just stirs the Christian-satied pot- not to my taste really. But we should make ourselves aware: who is serving us this stuff? what is it this stuff? did anyone lose their wages, or have injustice imposed on them in order to deliver us this 'stuff'. While we are stuffing our face, we are blissfully, bloatedly unaware of other shite we are buying and injesting, and digesting. If not on our plate, then out above our heads, in our spirits. We are full and yet empty of reason, and of accountability. We do not seem to be adapting to seeing the overview of a hurting world, how we sitting here are actually playing a part in keeping that grand, manipulative machine (oh, Greed) going and churning.

Bottom line for me: it's not right to consume and to waste in such vast, unnecessary amounts. Be happy. Enjoy your food, rejoice in the pleasures of culinary discovery, throw dinner parties, but brother, if you can spare it, please don't fuel a machine that works by serving the needs of some (those who create and sustain the notion of 'need' and consumption) by hurting the chances of others (those who have very litle choice except to eat the GM foods while they sell their crops and their labour to mass-producers, economy controllers from the 'West'). Don't let greed drive a stake through the heart of the world.