Friday, April 21, 2006

from Kahlil Gibran (author of "The Prophet") [old blog 05-23-04]

"Earth"- an excerpt

We blaspheme and you consecrate.
We defile and you sanctify.
We sleep without dreams:
but you dream in your eternal wakefulness.
We pierce your bosom with swords and spears,
And you dress our wounds with oil and balsam.
We plant your fields with skulls and bones,
and from them you rear cypress and willow trees.
We empty our waste in your bosom,
and you fill our threshing-floors with wheat sheaves,
and our winepresses with grapes.
We extract your elements to make cannons and bombs,
but out of your elements you create lilies and roses.
How patient you are, Earth, and how merciful!
...You are "I" Earth,
had it not been for my being,
you would not have been.

(I thought these were beautiful words to share- sylphiend)

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