Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Coming Out"

Today the world was rocked: Clay Aiken announced publically (via "People" magazine) that, yes, indeed he IS gay. Kudos, brother, kudos. In the face of conservative and self-righteous communities who may perceive this kind of pronouncement as a 'special' event around diversity, he has proven himself brave. Mind you, with all the pressure to come out as a public person, and media vultures clipping at one's ears until they are about to bleed, Clay's 'coming out' might arguably have been a strategic act of self-preservation. "I can't says I blame him."

In fact, his announcement has inspired my own exposition: I, (first name, last name), declare that a "Heterosexual". Yep. Those of you who had suspected it, you were right all along. I have always been that way but was too scared to face things for fear of social, institutional oppression, and even public persecution (thank Goddess, I'm not famous! not yet anyway). In retrospect, I knew I was into Boys from an early age, from when my first crush in kindergarten saw me pee my pants. You can't buy this kind of humiliation. I remember standing in my school uniform at the front of the class begging the teacher to let me go to the washroom. She told me, "Not until you are finished reading the piece." But I could no longer read the piece, and she wasn't about to let me go to the washroom...but I um, did anyway. Right there, at the front of the classroom. Warm familiarity streaming down my gray nylons and puddling into my little black Dorothy shoes. I dared not look down, for the mortification of seeing it as being 'real' would prove too much for my little heart. But I saw 'his' eyes. Daniel (?), my crush, stared at me in disbelief and shame for me. He felt my pain. I wanted to cry but instead trudged away, making soft, gushy noises and silently cursing the day that cunt of a teacher had ever been born...

er, where was I? Well, my point was, from way back when, I knew that no matter how hard I tried, and how many times gay or bi-curious girls would sandwich me on the dance floor, or plant peckish, flirtateous kisses, no matter how many really cool, smart, sexy lesbians sort of 'checked me out' or gave me opportunity for 'eye sex'...I just did not have it in me to respond to the fairer sex. It's been men, boys, guys. I guess I must like dick. I am no longer going to be ashamed of that., I feel brave enough to announce to friends and loved ones that I am indeed a "Heterosexual" Woman.

If only the world was not so judgemental of people or 'categorized' them as being different or incomplete somehow, if only there was less hate crimes centered around one's sexuality or any diversity, if only the state suported laws and policies that would protect those who only want to live their lives in peace and love another in the way that is real and right for THEM...if only things were more open and fair...I think I would have come out earlier. But the world isn't fair. And the Truth is scary to some people.

(Good on you, Clay.)

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