Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Say my little friend"

this fly. has been illegally, and unconcentually (sp?) living with me for the past few days. IN FACT....ever since my mother LEFT for....VACATION.
aha! I'm putting it all together- it's some sort of stand-in for pestering and security watch over me, namely mom's little tasks, when she is here in the flesh...
but I digress.

I have been watching this thing, air-swimming around, doing back-flips, and parachuting dives and swoops upon over the upholstery...for days now. BUZZ. BUZZZZZZZ. (where'd it go...its quiet now...maybe it's finally left..?..?.BUZZZZZ!!!!!!! NOPE!)

and I have to wonder: are flies really this friggin' stoopid?! I have opened the balcony doors wide open, turned off any 'attractive' (to the flies!) lights, stood motionless, so as to not 'spook' it if it made its way around the window..and NUTHIN. It seems desperate to get out, and furiously buzzes around, comes oh-so-close to the opening doors to Freedom....! but no. back inside it goes.

Apart from this little irritation, I try to drink from the glass half-full perspective and ask of myself: "now, what might this little fly be teaching me?"

Are there doors being cracked open to me, but do I not see them, instead circling around the proverbial 'manure' or light (aka. the things I 'see', the immediately visible)? Am I supposed to be looking elsewhere, rather than onto the things in my immediate presence? hm. Career decisions looming...(when aren't they??), so I am getting philosophical again, and trying to get out of 'gerbil wheel' mentality of being stuck in the present situation, while also not delving into unknown, the unforeseen, etc. "tuning in"...

so, what to take from this silly little fly's quest. Does it strive to be great, or have a happy, fulfilled life? one might assume, well perhaps! does it bear no purpose except to be noisy, and irritating to humans, by circling mindlessly, senselessly, endlessly in seemingly-random directions? (moving in seemingly-random directions..?)

feck. is this fly me?

why do I suddenly want to perch onto the nearest stick of butter, and also grab my oversized "Bono" shades (circa "Zoo Sation" tour ;).

much like this post, the fly's dance may have no meaning or purpose! perhaps the same can be said of life at some moments, sometimes it looks as if you are on a trajectory, flowing forth, and then...a stick of shit appears in your precense (read into that what you will, dear reader) and you lose focus, and instead start to cicumnavigate around it like it was a brick o' gold.

Jaybus, is this fly me?

why don't I seek out the 'open doors'? perhaps they are obscured from my vision as I am focussing on other things of immediate proximal distance (ie. present-day job, present-day friends, present-day living situation, etc.) Perhaps, this fly is showing me how circling around the same shit, aint moving toward any kind of newfound freedom, but rather festering in senseless circles which get it nowhere different (or better) and annoy the shit out of people who are witnessing these meanderings.

well, f* me sideways! this fly is me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fish Tank fun...

"it's the gift that keeps on giving!" haha

I could not help note the paradoxical absurdity (and unintended hilarity...) of this entry. A fellow POF'er notes in his profile, how he does not want these things:

A few specific things:
- no smokers
- not into crazy party animals
- if you wear lots of make up and fashion accessories I'm probably not your type
- if you spend your weekends shopping..
- if you don't care about the environment..
- if you're only looking for riches..
- if you're addicted to soap operas and game shows..
- if you drive a hummer..
- if you sleep around..
- if you can't live without constant attention..
- also, I'm not a big dog-lover

but if you read the above section of Interests, he notes; he is open to "different perspectives".

HA! apparently not! someone who he considers a person who 'sleeps around' may well have a different perspective (and justifiable reasons for doing what she does, I would argue/devil's advocate..), as would someone who does not 'care for the environment', or 'is looking for riches', and so on. These are all "different perspectives" but I get the feeling our friend here is "open" to others perps. providing they are ONLY THE KIND THAT ARE IN LINE WITH HIS - in other words, his own perspective. (Aint we all guilty of that! but at least I don't bullshit myself or others by stating that "I'm open to opinions that are unlike my own". oh puleeze bitch! I know my opinions are the 'right ones'. Always. cough*cough*sputter])

I think Elton John said it best when he sang, "It's a little bit funny...".
just sayin'.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Fish Tank feedback...

from dating profile. Wow! it's nice to know you are appreciated (good for the ole ego too)!

Keep shining your light, Sister!

It's comforting to know there are free thinkers like you keeping tabs on things around here!!

You have a great profile and it was a fun read!!!!...thanks for givin me a smile!!!!!

I started to post your pictures around my bedroom on the ceiling ... so when I lie down in bed you're the last thing I see before I sleep.....

shall I just keep calling you my frosted little pop tart...I am starting to think you enjoy that...and I find myself liking it. ;)

I just wanted to say that you have one of the better profiles out there...the truth about investing in Self is the best advice anyone can take.

You sound like a great person. Just look at this as..."A character building experience."

I'm pleased you wrote about investing some time.

I found your profile intriguing and I love mysteries.

You are very clever, reading your profile made me laugh. I hope you are a writer so everyone can benefit from your wit.

Maybe I can sink my fangs into you before you run off with one of these other less deserving blokes.

Looking at your costume picture makes me immediately think of the band Melt-Banana (Japanese Punk).

I don't mean to sound cheesy but you seem like a person worth being nice to.

If you are looking for a dance partner, look no further.

Just wanted to say thanks for the honesty about the "possible" in your life. And just wanted to say, you "stay gold ponyboy", stay gold, one of the absolute best books ever written...take care

Can I be brutally honest? I get the sense that you're a whole lot o' fun.

All the girl here chew tabacco, and spit, there all rednecks!!!lol wish I could find a dress up one, that makes me weak, and so ho*ny!!lol

You seem to write with great character and it is most likely an indication of yourself..Compliment intended.

A+ for make me smile!!!

Your profile is a great read. Nice Ratzo reference...

(sent me a 'teddy bear' as gift) Instead of the old glass slipper approach, try this BEAR, if it fits, then youre my Princess!

You sound intelligent and like cool music, That definitely appeals to me.

You are an interesting woman with an interesting profile!

I certainly WISH I could have some of your burnt toast

you look fantastic in your photo playing dress up...i really really like that look

just love your sense of humour

loved your bio very well written

I'd like to hear your blog, rants and perspective.

How sweet you truly are. What a wonderful little package you are (but not circus midget little, so that's fine ;p). A local girl with beautiful lips and big,lovely, brown doe eyes!

Lets fly to paris for some " moulle et frites" on our first date.

Unlike most I've read, I love the fact that you've put some sincere thought and effort into your profile. The opening paragraph is killer!

your interests are just so great that i wanted send you a message:)

If you're into outdoor fun I can swing some passes

Someone could define your rant as pesimistic and and cynical. However I see it as intelligent with a hint of sarcasm. I would love to read your blog. That would be a hoot.

I read your whole should be a writer!

I thought I'd say hello again since you look and sound like such a nice woman.

There aren't many people like you though

that outfit is unreal. hot, seriously

Let me know if you want to meet. We could climb a tree by the water and sit and feel the breeze. :)

thanks for givin me a smile!!!!!

Friday, May 07, 2010

the nicest compliment this week...!

"I hope you are a writer so everyone can benefit from your wit."

thanks. that put a smile on my heart.

(Source: Plenty of Fish profile reader and note writer.)