Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cinematic 'surprises'

I had no idea I would grow to almost love this movie (in retrospect) and watch it twice in a row! Perhaps it was the intense and thrilling visual action sequences that riveted me without guns or car explosions, or the lush cinematography...perhaps it was the authenticity that captivated me...all these elements became fascinating. Equally fascinating was learning (somewhat) of the culture and ritual of the ancient Mayan civilization.

At one point during a particularly violent sequence, I was moved to tears as the scene unfolding seemed to be one 'out of my past'. Somehow I connected on a deeper level, one of blood kinship. It felt so real and though it was 'only a movie', it felt so close to home, and touched upon some primordeal memory from my spirit past perhaps in South America. This movie went to my gut, it felt so visceral and bloody and real, yet I didn't mind because it felt screamingly authentic. Conquest of a tribe IS violent and ugly!.

Personal politics: I get a little miffed at the holier than tho types who scorn Mel Gibson (the man) for having fucked up and spoken out of turn (foolishly, and I'm sure regretably) who now judge and negate his work as Mel the artist. I separate the man from the art. He made a fine piece of work with a lot of passion!

Oh please, let's not judge another as though he made a wrong that we could 'never' do. The man likely has a serious drinking problem. Quite honestly, THAT concerns me more than spewing foolish rhetoric. If we were all contested on what we have said, then none of us would be respected and we would all have received at least twenty lashings and a few sharp stones pelted at our bodies. I have certainly said some regretable things, but as a human being and also an artist, I would hope that civilians (note the root: civil) would judge my art based on the merit of the work, aside from my personal politics. THAT is fair and less hypocritical.

Another bloodbath(house) gem of a film! I'm not sure if I'm on some roll here with respect to catching very good, yet violent film or simply being more open-minded to the various forms of art. In any case, 300 was friggin gorgeous to look at, not to mention having incredible editing and camera techniques. Really groundbreaking stuff. I really liked that it was told like a myth or a fable with the surreal, larger than-life off-colored and sepia toned visuals. Wow. Very creative use of imagery and quite apropos. I was enthralled watching it.

At first, I saw much blood and thought, 'Oh, no, here we go, another he-man movie to inspire all the young boys to go out and fight, build muscle, be patriotic glory-men...blah, blah.' But I sat there anyway. Well, ultra machismo messages aside (and there are many), I really enjoyed the movie as a whole body of art. The imagery, the almost balletic fighting choreography, the music!, story and the supernatural elements woven in which made the story vacillate between the real and the ultra-real. Cool stuff! Another charmer that I did not see coming. After watching, it felt as though I had surprised myself by managing to consume a very rich-looking decadent, luscious strawberry tart...AND still wanting a little more.

A little older (2 yrs?) but very worthy of mention. Who would have thunk that an irreverent, almost satirical look at war and its idiosyncracies, confusion, chaos and the air of lunacy the elements lend themselves to - would come out to be such an entertaining product? I was impressed that the film did not stoop to make 'political commentary' or show itself to be pro or anti-war, but rather set up the pieces of a manic puzzle within a fantastical and semi-farcical storytelling. The surrealness of the elements around the story lets the viewer alone judge for him/herself what to make of this machine called war, and it is clear to see (to anyone who still has a pulse...) that some thing is definitely skewed. What I really admire is that the film mocks war and wartime ritualization WITHOUT looking or sounding like it is doing so (does that make sense?? I thought not).

Anyway, I loved the script (far removed from memory at this time...) but it had some choice lines and dark, ironic humor throughout it. Jarhead kind of reminded me of a Felliniesque farce: things are so intense, so hyper-real that the viewer empathizes with the main character's confusion and also feels that 'this cannot be real, for it is simply too absurd.' The blurring of lines between the absurdity of reality and the drama of the absurdity are what kept me glued to the seat. I managed to laugh the kind of laugh the mind likes. It is not a loud or obvious chortle, but more like the inner smile of havin' slipped one over the boss at the office, and you best office buddy is the only one in on the joke while all others remain oblivious. It's that delicious.

Great performances from Jake Gyll., Peter Sarsgaard (who was even better in "Shattered Glass") and others. Cool, brusque and absurdist in its perspective. Like one of the characters asks, "What the hell were we figting FOR again..?? I forgot!" 'Oooh, because they TOLD us to. That's IT??',he asks. Authority-schmority! Definitely one of my pics for one of the most original telling of war-time madness. Anyone thinking of enlisting should see this first, mull the muck over...then decide to talk to Uncle Sam (or even Harper these days...) later. Much, much fucking later.


"And Now for Something Completely Different..."
A soft, sweet love-story. Small, quiet and beautiful it contains one of my newly favourite romantic scenes in a very looong time. I won't give it away, but watching it completely melted me back to the gentle stirrings of budding romance, that tingly soft feeling in your belly you get as you begin to drift into someone's eyes, connecting on such a level that words seem trivial. Truly romantic and emotionally satisfying. Keanu looks very nice and acts understatedly without too much sentimantality as the romantic lead. Sigh. A treat for weary eyes and for wearier hearts. Nice soundtrack too.