Monday, February 19, 2024

1 - "It Takes a Second to Say Goodbye"

 There's an old U2 song with the lyrics,

"It takes a second to say goodbye, oh, oh, oh. Push the button and pull the plug. Say goodbye, oh, oh, oh."

The rhythm gives visions of soldiers, like play figures all in formation marching dutifully, to certain death - if not their own, someone else's.

I was a child in Chile, long before U2, long before I discovered radios and songs of war. In fact, I was a sweet little rebel without yet being aware of it. One sunny day in Santiago, Chile circa late 70's, in kindergarten we had art class. We were supposedly instructed to use the paper and scissors to create something fanciful! Well, I need to caution you that I have always danced to the beat of my own world-rhythms drum.

I saw the golden opportunity to make myself Art: Artist as subject. I brandished the shiny, brass tools lifting them in the air as a maestro does before descending down into a passionate crescendo for the orchestra. Hoisting scissors in the air, I decided that my hair, though pleasing, was not quite "me". I grasped the shears and started snipping in generous chops across my forehead. I pulled hair from the back so as to add more material for bangs. I had no mirror, nay, I needed none! It was all instinct and exploration. I angled the scissors again and continued on my endeavor. I must have been deeply in the moment as I didn't realize when the scissors got scooped from me and I got scooped to the principal's office.

So minor was my infraction, but those days, children whose classroom backdrop depicted photos of military officials in uniform, did as they were instructed to do. My mother must've come to collect me some hours later and surely put on her best "dismayed" face. Inside I knew she was likely celebrating my incentive, if in a quiet inward chortle. The school officials felt I needed to be made into an example, should the others think it was "OK" to disobey orders, I mean, instructions.

She tidied up the mess and I had extremely short angled bangs for several weeks.

"Held to ransom, hell to pay
A revolution everyday"

That same child with the crooked bangs and sense of adventure would find herself once again in her mother's company, this time on a bus. The bus would stop, and the mother would say to the child, "Listen closely. You are not to look at anyone, do you hear me? Do NOT look at them if they talk to you. It is considered rude. Don't look at them, whatever you do!" I nodded, my cheeks already slanted downward. Who were "they", "them"? Why were people afraid to look at them? I didn't want to find out. A woman on the bus must have glanced at them or something, for she was escorted off. I don't remember if I heard raised voices, threats or pleading from the woman. Only my mother will remember for sure, so unfortunate was she. A few moments later, we were given the "OK" to proceed. I had my head down the whole time until we arrived at our stop a long while later. This enforcement of blind loyalty has been brandished into my memory. "Don't look at them unless you have been instructed to." This was the way to remain safe.

"Lightning flashes across the sky
East to west, do or die"

In a childhood picture from the time, I can see my sweet smile and almond eyes. I am an innocent in the world and behind me is a portrait of (military dictator) Pinochet. This photo is a perfect reflection of the mad juxtaposition of institutionalizing children in a dictatorship. You teach them A, B, and C's and right from wrong, all the while using intimidation, shame and coercion to get them to follow instruction, lest they be let off that bus. Every instruction was an acid test. Learning and being inquisitive about the world were mutually exclusive in my early universe.

"It takes a second to say goodbye
Say goodbye, oh, oh, oh"

My father had to say goodbye. He said it to his fallen comrades, colleagues who were gunned down mere feet from him, as he, a young man in his early 20's learned about the real costs in the world. He said goodbye to us as he left for a new country with a funny name: Canada. He said goodbye to his business, the one he was passionate about and so talented in. He gave it all up in lieu of washing dishes in a new country. He washed dishes so he could outrun the list of names he was on. He washed dishes so he could later send for us. My mother, too, said goodbye to safety and beauty, and home - things she relished. Her youth, her innocence, her own ambitions, also ransacked and ripped from her as she faced unspeakable things, received disparaging news daily. She took any steps to ensure our survival and to feed her two younglings.

I was told, "If you go to Canada, you will get a new bike." A new bike AND have my family together? That seemed like a no-brainer.

As the plane ascended over the snow-covered Andes mountains, a child with long, even bangs dared to look out small, circular windows. She was awestruck by the sense of rocketing out in a giant box. The fires below had led them out and now fires below the tin can propelled them high. The metal box soared above the gods, or someone's god, she hoped. In that moment, she did not belong to the long country with the dark posters on the wall; she did not belong anywhere. She was free. And she reached for a small, white bag and it held in front of her, as terror and hope all came at once.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Fear Not/Want Not, Wanton Woman"

I first posted this in 2009 - after coming out of school.. but I think it still stands very much relevant to what I feel today.

I was scared I would be heard
so I began to sing

I was scared to be visible
so I let my Light shine again

I was scared others would hurt me
so I came to love them

I was scared no one would love me
so I learned to love myself

I was scared I would not make friends
so I started liking others

I was scared others would think me sensitive
so I let myself cry

I was scared people would only see a clown
when they saw I played more

I was scared to Shine
so I learned to breathe, and to Let it be

I was scared I had no direction
so I followed the path in front of me

I was scared to be rejected
so I auditioned/applied for it anyway

I was scared my body was no longer beautiful
so I dared to lingerie!

I was scared to be found and get hurt again
so I went public on interweb and said, Here I am!

I am not Fearless
such claims I do not make
but I have come to know
that Boldness is the flip side of Fear
the choice is there I have pushed through

as I choose to stand in spite of fear
so I stand in Love for me

Sunday, December 14, 2014

What's Your Story, Morning Glory?

So while killing time on set a male colleague off-handedly turned to me and asked, "So...what's your story? Are you married? Got a boyfriend...what?"

"So, we are starting there, are we?" I thought. Having caught wind of this person's rather unwelcome M.O. around other women on set (he was becoming notorious for making sexist or sexually suggestive comments). Women were initially broached as objects of conquest, secondly as colleagues, it would appear.

Smart retorts quickly flooded my mind but I resisted, being mindful that spewing something out would be hostile. Perhaps I didn't need to be defensive if his angle was not to offend (at least, not intentionally). In the few seconds it took to think on how this comment was intended, I asked myself that question: What WAS my story?

My "story" didn't really start where his started, nor circumference itself around relationships in my life. It operated on a different levels, across various fields and scopes which had very little to do with whom I was romantically entangled with. In short, my story did not subscribe to this rather traditional, patriarchal (and heteronormative) paradigms but rather sat outside these confines to be its own wild animal, its own running horse, unfettered and free of the constraints of societal expectations whenever possible. I chose to be the writer of my story, not just its recorder. 

What was my story comprised of? What factors in my life had created my story and shaped me as its favourite protagonist?

My mind, heart and spirit all have long grocery lists of influences on identity, including my own temperament and brain, as well as many horrid and or 'challenging' things, wonderful things, excruciatingly painful things, character-building lessons, inconveniences, humilities, perceptions, joys, loves, defining moments, risks taken, roads less travelled and many inward quests...the likes of which only another "Quixote"-ian dreamer/lover/fighter might understand (where we are both battle weary from charging at windmills a time or two). If I was a conquistador of my sordid little tale, I knew not its end, but only its rough beginning and a middle I was now immersed in.

What those "who are you?" identity questions posited around my relationships to male figures are really asking is, 'To whom do you belong?'. Not too surprisingly, this ideology harkens back to when Marriage (the institution, with a capital M) was more a contract, or exchange between the initial proprietor of the female (the Father/Guardian) and her newest owner (the Husband) and less a love story* (nowhere are Ryan O'Neal or Ali McGraw featured*). Starting one's story from the pinnacle point of one's romantic partnership does not have the same sweet ring as say, " do you define yourself in relationship to others, the world and most of all, yourself?" Now THERE would be a juicy question indeed.

We run into a bit of identity-erasing danger when the "married/not married", "single/not single" is the initial ruler from which to splay out a woman's identity. It's fantastic to be Mrs. X, but I would like Mrs. X to also be asked, "What ELSE about you and your life, your experience, your spirit, your passions, your knowledge, your travails makes you, you?" Black or White, This or That-type dichotomies are too small a space from which to see a full picture, the breadth and scope of an identity. I would need to chew my arm off to wriggle out of such a steel-jawed contraptions to liberate myself in all manner, in order to remain a free thinker, paradigm-buster, and self-defining individual that I am endeavoring to be!

I may look like an apple, Sir, but I am a pomegranate, composed of many tiny planets. We all are. Clueless Colleague meant no harm, I'm sure, but we seemed to be speaking across at each other from different islands and nary a boat in between. How to bridge such a divide?

I decided the best way to answer his question was to be truthful. My truth was not only different, but also bigger than his truth. Of course, I didn't expect him to know any of it, having barely met me, so I thought it best to just inform him.

"What's my story?" I took a breath. "Well, I am an actor, a writer, an artist, an explorer of life, a friend, a social creature. I am doing props, kitchen help and set dec, and am learning about indie film first-hand, which is awesome. I have an interesting story, lots of them actually! But my Story doesn't gravitate around men nor is defined by my relationships to them. I don't see things that way. My story stands apart, all on its own. I am the sum of all my experiences, and lessons and perceptions." Then I smiled in earnest, and stuffed my hands back in my pockets. (It was cold.)

Another male colleague who was standing close to me had heard the conversation. I glanced sideways to see he had a small smirk on his face.  

The inquisitor of the initial Question looked at me for a moment trying to gauge if I was being 'bitchy', hostile or had gone slightly mad. The confusion was because I was none of these things. After a moment, he mumbled something or other then stepped away. My male friend and I exchanged a look. I was glad I had a cohort, the kind of man I could befriend, the kind who was on the 'same page' regarding women's stories. He got it.

I'll bet he has his own richly woven story. A tapestry from which his relationship to a partner, may be a part of, but not all encompassing, nor defining of his whole identity. After all, we are all pomegranites.

Friday, August 16, 2013

To Lovers, Past and Future

(from 2013) I cried a few nights ago because I was missing that sense of being Special to someone. Then I got upset at myself for thinking those thoughts, for even coveting such a feeling. What kind of insecure fool was I? Why should I wait to be Special to someone in order to feel loved?, I wondered.

There is the dreamer, a romantic inside who does yearn for a tender place to lay my heart upon, and a kind fellow to reciprocate in kind. That has never left me, and will stay with me yet. There is nothing wrong with wanting to find a romantic love. In fact, when I was fortunate enough to find it with two men, I learned that I could be very happy being in love and part of a couple. That kind of soft place in one's heart is hard to replicate.

So I cried into a pillow as I realized the fellow I had been seeing did not provoke me to feel like I was the apple of his eye, that he never gazed at me adoringly. In fact, when I studied it, hardly seem to gaze at me at all. There was a lack of enthusiasm for me and I took it personally. Then I started to reason, 'Just because he does not feel I am Special (to him) , that does not mean that I am not.' Some wiser part of me gently called, "Remember who you are...".

So I remembered.

With that quickly came the realization that I needed to start with the intrinsic belief that I, all unencumbered and on my own, and naked and flawed, and hopeful and loving, and insecure, and grand, and powerful, and shy and bold and funny...that in all my glory, I am Special to begin with. Better is the notion that anyone who does not support this view, in either feeling or manner, must move along.

"Future Lover, whoever you may be, my one condition is this: if you do not join me in the reverie of celebrating my being a special person, or erode any trace of shine off of me, so that I may forget it for one moment...then we do not see eye to eye on this most critical matter. This lack of this recognition must signal to me that I must let you go too.

We are all learning lessons, including me. I acknowledge that some sting is the price of a risk taken. As we part, I will wish you well in sincerity. I hope that you find what you need to. I hope too that along your journey, you will come to see your own light shining. Perhaps then, will you recognize a shiny likeness and learn to 'see' someone like me."

Thursday, May 09, 2013

You're not supposed to LIKE it!

I have my reasons for loving my "Marilyns" - my special-occasion, smoky pink, subtly-curved heel evocative-of-a-Monroesque-era glamour girl shoes. le sigh. They make me walk a bit wobbly, 'tis true, but I am more aware of my bum - of even having a bum to sway. There is that.

BUT...there are moments, where I am of two minds. Of two left feet, of two minds.

There is the issue of being desirous of something pretty (ie. shoes with instantaneous sexiness built in - the SEX-ON-A-STICK shoes), but there is also the bunion-ing resentment which builds one blistery step at a time. It arrives when your mind switches from feeling like a goddess to gauging how much farther you need to walk until you reach your destination and can remove the demon shoes! (Oh, sweet freedom!) When mind, feet and spirit cry out: WHYYYYYY?! Why to pain us sexy shoe coveters?? To what purpose? To what end? Why must one suffer for a supposed 'beauty'? Why have I taken this idea as acceptable?

[Disclaimer: there is a rather lengthy and involved discourse to be explored regarding gender and expectations, socialization, culture, power dynamics, submissiveness vs. possession, objectification, control and powers of industry, capitalist gain, etc....which I will not be cracking open here, for that is not the feel of this tiny rant.] :)

My mini rant is more about an observation that pains me (south of the ankle, to be specific) that not ONE of 'cute' shoes I have, can be worn comfortably longer than two long blocks. or ten minutes. not. one. pair. ouch to that. 

As much as I have toyed with the idea of boycotting millionaire shoe companies or writing letters of frustration to mysoginisticly-bent footwear designers, I grow weary from the day's demands to pick too many a battle. The night is almost over and my shoes are nevertheless bringing me home, in one sexy, bum-wiggly piece. As much as these blistery thoughts pop up (like bubbles of misfortune from the ill-fitting foot housing), I have to reason on the concrete truth that is not so pretty: OF COURSE SEXY SHOES ARE NOT GOING TO COMFORTABLE! Of course, they are not going to be made with a cushy platform, or made bunion-producing FREE! Of COURSE NOT, you nincompoop!

If indeed there WERE comfortable cushioning in drop-dead-sexy foot housing, where would the insole producing industry be? Hello?
Where would our consumer-driven society be?
Where would foot powder industry?
Where would the cute-shoe accutrements industry be? (and, panty hoes wouldn't run with shoes that did not tug on the fabric, thereby: where would the panty hose producing industry be?)

Why, NOWHERE of course! (Don't you love rhetorical questions?)

You are not supposed to LIKE beauty products; you just have to NEED them!

Think about a Sunday morning: where would the foot cream, bunion-filing, foot soaking, aspirin eating, red wine swigging, hangover-cure drinking, contraception, Day-After pill popping, ok-you-got-a-little-carried-away wearing that bunion-it's-a-pleasure-and-pain-thing and now are slightly distressed-inquiring-at-clinics-and-labs-about-a-certain-Plan-that-comes-after-A...seriously-what-the hell-happened-it's-Sunday-morning-and-I'm-feeling-shite type realizations be?

Where ever would the feel-better-let-me-take-the-pain-away-with-OUR-STUFF-industries be?!

Why, they would cease to EXIST! And all because I selfishly wanted to walk good and speak gooder and feel pretty, and find my bum and trod with attractive footwear that does not kill me.

Selfish me!

These industries found their niche/s, and my nickel, alright. I'll give them that. I saw the gerbil wheel, and jumped into it with both blistered feet. But I don't love spending $12 on insoles for kind of expensive shoes just to be able to walk with them. (What?)

I'm not bitter. This is the society I live it, and these are the choices I  have made from within it. I love beautiful things, looking at them, fantasizing through them. It's just that I would prefer to wear such lovelies, luxury items like ill-fitting but attractive lady shoes, without having to break them in by breaking my own feet.

It's just that I want it all.

In a fair world, we would not have to compromise, and I could walk footloose and fancy-free, even in clickety-clicks! That is a picture I want to entertain. Hold it...still entertaining it.... OK, done.

As I was saying, I want what I conceive of as beautiful to be ensconced in what is right. My tootsie toes are but a minutia of a greater picture. Two insignificant points from which to see greater trajectories pointing to other societal ills, other pains, other constrictions ill-fitted to the individual. Which lies are we willing to accept and why? Word has it, there are many. Like, MANY, many.

But before you curse me out for resorting to 'lady shoes' in spite of knowing their consequences, and their associated discomfort (hey, it's not like I wear them OFTEN!), for liking pretty things that don't make sense, for chasing this mythical unicorn and dreaming of comfort, quality and fairness coming to fruition in my lifetime...please do not judge me too harshly until you've walked...well, you know.

Merry Christmas. Opt for a rubber soled, low heel. ;)

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Water, water everywhere...but I aint thirsty.

Fishing, Shopppin' Around and other useless analogies for the dating pool:

Fishing around on Plenty of Fish feels like going to the supermarket and looking for your favourite brand- and seeing they no longer have it- and not realizing there are other, newer brands out there that, given the chance might actually become your New favourite brand. Yet still looking on the shelves, hoping they have misplaced one, one left over of your favourite brand- still pining. Having that picture in your mind's eye and no stock on the shelves to match it. Ever.


And...well, I am loathe to shop. But until I get on my boots and pull up my bootstraps and decide to go shop in a completely different store, not knowing what the hell I really want, I will wait and look at brand names of products I have never thought about nor used and which may even repel me, and ponder if...maybe I should be a better shopper.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Defining Moments (thus far) 2011 & 12

1) Getting access to the world at large via Grimley. I climbed a little hill all by myself, mentored by Des and nurtured by a little theatre community who said to me, without words, you have a good work here and it is worth producing, We believe in it. By extension, I started to believe in myself again, as being capable (if not, good) writer, at least. I started to Believe again, and started to Hope anew- things considered for too long as whimsical and nonsensical to rely on or pay much mind to. Things painfully put upon a sad little shelf, where they left a missing-an-appendage ghost type of feelings. Something felt amiss yet I could not put my finger on what.

Grimley was the dark rose that would blossom for me. Paradoxically, through it I found such light and joy again, 'pleasantly surprising' people, receiving support and accolades from friends and kind strangers. This high would carry me for weeks after the work had passed...the song of Grimley and the happy residue of its ghost danced upon my heart and dared me to cut a rug with a little gleam in my eye again. A spark was lit anew!

2) Getting access to the Green Room - and the innards of the Theatre Actor life again... Ah! treading the boards again! What joy. I missed the old costumes, the smells, the powders and wigs, and the private little jokes that are posted and hanging all over the room like a mad scavenger hunt... I was playing in the sandbox again, something I had once done so well, the way children 'play' with abandon. I had to push myself into discomfort in order to be bold and fearless, and not be afraid of visibility. I had to leave all fears aside as I focused on the Work. The Work would also translate into relying on instinct more than intellect again and learning to trust that there was 'something' there to not only catch me, but also propel me up and keep me standing. I lost a lot in "the 5 year war" (CFS)...Trust in my talent and physicality being chief among them.

3) "Deciding to Get An Agent"- something I had not seriously contemplated for want of 'being in a better'... position financially, life-wise, career-wise, weight-wise, etc.. until finally I looked at myself and the way I was actually living my life. I was, and had been for some time now, living it as though I was making room for Acting and writing in some manner, leaving flexibility and access to return to it. Realizing this, I figured I might as well go all the way in, and try to earn some money at doing something I enjoyed and had loved all of my life. It would no longer be a closeted "want" that ould never manifest. I would give this Manifestation thing a decent turn! This meant, changing up The Plan re: career chasing and job structuring, perspective on work vs. career, etc. and some turmoil was had by that... sigh. In the end, I have not given this Artist part of my life such front and centre precedence before, until now. I was to Seize the Day before I get too old, or sad, or settled, forgetful or wayward off the path of who I really am: an artist with a social working heart, but an Artist, first and foremost. My brother was right.

4) Getting, procuring, almost begging for a laptop, or notepad on which to take my scribblings out of the house and away from the four walls! It will cost me $125 for an old laptop from a friend, but that is a modest price for my sanity and for nurturing my writing without it feeling self-punitive, by virtue of trapping me inside a tiny room in order to do it! The world, both inner and outer felt expansive again and so I breathed. I went to a coffee shop, where I opened my new (used) tool and...began to write.